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  • Writer's pictureRiskiyatul Mauludiyah

20th day : First thing in my life

Finally, today I practice teaching officially or practically teaching demonstrations. I'm very nervous. I and Alfia left early because I had to print out teaching materials, lesson plans and student worksheets. After that, I helped Alfia to complete the preparation. But because of that I was late for class. However, it's okay because I think the Alfia will be more late if I don't help her. We'd better be late together than left alfia late alone and distressed alone. Ajarn Mey was looking for me and contact me, but because I was in a hurry I didn't have time to check my cellphone so that when I was in the classroom. I had felt disappointed with myself because I arrived too late especially on the day of my teaching’s day. I really want to give my best, but I realize that God is testing me by giving me the choice of helping my friend or coming on time. Yes, I chose to help my friend. So, I am aware of the risk of my choice.The second reason I’m late is I got wrong floor. The class in 4th floor on the other side of the building but I went to wrong side and wrong floor. As soon as I arrived I immediately apologized to my student who was waiting for me with their book. I immediately started the class by giving greeeting first. Then,ajarn Mey came to class and we could talk about my delay. However, we had to move classes because the projector in the class did not work and I had prepared my presentation in the form of power points. I thought it would take a long time if students had to wait for me to write on the whiteboard and I waited for them to write the material in their notebook considering the material I would explain quite a lot and in English while I was only given 100 minutes. Actually the time to write will be enough but my time to explain will be a little. After moving class I immediately started giving lessons. I did not have time to ask them to recalling the elements in groups 4A, 5A, 6A and 7A as planned because the time I spent moving classes and getting ready was almost 30 minutes. During the lesson I tried to use words that were easy for them to understand. I always repeat my words when I explain them. Ajarn Mey also helped me translate what I said to increase their understanding. From their reaction, they seemed to understand what I explained because it did not appear to be a confused face after I explained, as for only a few. The material I gave was quite a lot so that the writing was in English so it took time for them to record it. I patiently waited for them. After delivering the material I made a tournament for them. Of course this tournament is related to the material that I convey. So, they will be divided into three groups. Each group, I gave 9 compound formulas which they would gave name to the compound. Each member gets one compound formula. They will write the name of the formula on the whiteboard in English alternately. However, when the tournament began they did not come alone to the board but were in a group. They help each other. Even though they wrote it in turn, the answer was written for thought together. Even though the tournament doesn't go according to my plan, but it's fun to see them competing to help each other and fight together. After that, the winner is determined by who is the fastest to solve it with the right. But because all groups have errors in some questions the winner is determined by the most points. The second group finally won. I have prepared a present for them. I gave a special gift to a group of two and of course I also prepared souvenirs from Indonesia for all of them. The lesson is finished. I gave them homework to measure the extent to which they understood today's lesson and after that I closed the class. This experience is very pleasant. Here I get a lot of the first things I do in my life. The first time I taught in class, my first student, first made a tournament, first taught in English, first gave prizes to students, was first called by the teacher by students and more. I think this feeling I will never forget. I really like being a teacher. Finally I felt how to become a teacher. It turned out that it was not easy to be the right teacher for students. The point of today, the practice of teaching me runs smoothly. The only problem is language. Even though they understand English, but English in chemistry is not as easy as English for daily life and there is one student who makes me think. One female student did not pay attention to me, did not record lessons and did not take part in the tournament just sat and stayed silent. These students are exchange students from Russia. I heard a lot of bad news about him. I made the tournament one of my goals is I could make it active in class, but it failed. That is my only failure in class, making her active. But I think, I will never feel real success if I have never felt a failure. Ajarn Mey give me comments that made me happy, he said students understood my explanation. Actually, I hope ajarn Mey can give me positive and negative comments to make me a learn. However, yes there are some people who don't want to hurt the feelings of others especially this is the first thing that person did in his life. She is very kind. Thank you for all your guidance, Ajarn Mey. Honestly, I get a lot of knowledge when I see her teaching. She became my inspiration when teaching. After teaching, my activities at school were finished. From then on, I no longer need to be in school if there is no important think. I think I'll miss my students. I feel lucky to get this golden opportunity.

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